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Rev'd  Susan Foster  – (Ex Officio) and Chair of Governors

Mr Matt Fry - Parent Governor

Mr James House  - Parent Governor

Mrs Charlotte Milne - Paret Governor

Mr Matt Williams  - LEA Governor 

Mr James Hobbs –Headteacher (Ex Officio)

Mrs Tara King – Teaching Staff Governor

Mrs Jane Garratt – Co-opted Governor

Mrs Alisha Stephens – Co-opted Governor

Mr Roger Bagley  -  Co-opted Governor

Mrs Claire Sharp   – Foundation Governor

Mrs Isabel Dawson - Clerk to Governors

The governing body consists of:

(a) 3 parent governors

(b) 1 LEA governor

(c) 2 staff governors

(d) 3 co-opted governors;

(e) 2 foundation governors 

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